12-30-2016, 03:56 PM
So, I've finished working on relief based on Seton's Clutch - one of my all-time favourite maps in Supreme Commander franchise - for my Code Battle map and the time has come, to add details like wrecks and foliage. So it was time to write scene.txt file.
As it's early version, I've decided that it'll be best, to determine positions in-game with bot, and then apply detailing in scene.txt on those coordinates.
So I've took Terranova Freegame scene file, I've deleted every object except the Me and I've added WingedGrabber.
Yet, game refuse to run it.
PS I am aware it's still freegame type, I want it that way for now, since I need to fly around and get XYZ positions to place stuff later, like ores, derricks, bots and scenery. I'll convert it to Code Battle later on, for now, I don't know what am I doing wrong.
As it's early version, I've decided that it'll be best, to determine positions in-game with bot, and then apply detailing in scene.txt on those coordinates.
So I've took Terranova Freegame scene file, I've deleted every object except the Me and I've added WingedGrabber.
Yet, game refuse to run it.
Title text="TEST"Resume text="TEST"Instructions name="freehelp.txt"
HelpFile name="cbot.txt"
EndingFile win=-1, lost=-1Audio filename="music009.ogg"
#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/planet.txt"
TerrainRelief image="reliefsetons.png", factor=1.0
TerrainResource image="ressetons.png"
TerrainWater image="water12.png", level=30.0, moveX=1.0, moveY=0.3
#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/terrain.txt"
CreateObject pos=37.50;-78.25, dir=1.5, type=Me
CreateObject pos =20;20, dir =0.5, type=WingedGrabber, magnifyDamage =0, power =100
CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0;0.0, color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0, color=-0.70;-0.70;-0.70, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0, color= 1.40; 1.40; 1.40, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.56; 0.56; 0.56, type=ObjectCreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=ObjectCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=Object
CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.16; 0.16; 0.16, type=ObjectWaterColor color=-0.6;-0.1;-0.1
MapColor floor=0.647;0.557;0.420, water=0.604;0.922;1.000
MapZoom factor=2
EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00, dist=25000.00, type=Me, lost=0
EndMissionTake pos=0.00\0.00, dist=1000, type=TNT, min=1
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00, lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00, delay=0
PS I am aware it's still freegame type, I want it that way for now, since I need to fly around and get XYZ positions to place stuff later, like ores, derricks, bots and scenery. I'll convert it to Code Battle later on, for now, I don't know what am I doing wrong.
Si vis pace, para bellum.