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Natural Wasp
(08-09-2016, 11:53 AM)krakers Wrote: Maybe you can help me - i don't have any idea what to do:
When wasps have stolen all resources, they make a big crowd near "dustbin" point - they all want to grab resources which are laying there just ti drop it again. I don't know what to do with that. I tried to make object "Cleaner" (it's in code) which will destroy resources in dustbin, but it doesn't help much.
I know the solution is to throw resources to lava, but it would work only on maps with it...
Use radarall instead of radar, then filter it to find only objects that are not in dustbin.
object objs [] = radarall(list);
object o = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(objs); i++){
        if(distance(dustbin_position, objs[i].position) > 25){
            o = objs[i];

Messages In This Thread
Natural Wasp - by krakers - 12-08-2015, 11:42 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by RaptorParkowsky - 12-09-2015, 12:47 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 12-09-2015, 02:34 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by True Destroyer - 12-10-2015, 01:26 AM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 12-15-2015, 02:43 AM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 08-01-2016, 06:48 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by tomangelo - 08-01-2016, 08:21 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 08-02-2016, 09:00 AM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 08-09-2016, 11:53 AM
RE: Natural Wasp - by Smok - 08-10-2016, 10:34 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 08-11-2016, 09:51 PM
RE: Natural Wasp - by LRV - 10-21-2016, 08:34 AM
RE: Natural Wasp - by krakers - 12-26-2016, 01:17 PM

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