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Sound Effect replacement pack for Colobot: Gold Edition
I love Colobot, but this game is 15 years old and Gold Edition hasn't changed anything about the sounds used.
(I guess it's likely not going to happen). The sound effects had not aged well.

Therefore I decided to replace some of them (22 files), and create a replacement pack (original files included too, as a backup). Most of the sounds were taken from and remade with Audacity.

In the attached zips are small single audio files with all concerned effects, you can use them to compare the sounds that I found irritating to the ones that I decided to replace them with.

I would replace more, but there were issues.
Spoiler :
I wanted to replace the alien sounds, but there seems to be some form of software recycling of sound effects, they are possibly used with different pitch in different places. The sounds I replaced them with were used as ambient sound which was heard all the time anywhere on the map. If someone wants to investigate this further, the files are namely "sound020.wav", "sound034.wav", "sound035.wav" and "sound036.wav".

If you  find any other sounds annoying let me know. The ones I find annoying  the most (even in 2001) were the "research center calculating" sound, the "shooter firing" sound, and the "engine overheating" sound. Post any feedback in this thread, please if you send private messages (like for my TrueLevels thread) other users cannot see how I answer your questions. The sound pack was roughly tested, but there still may be some issues, so let me know if there are any problems.

V2 changelog:
Spoiler :
sound025 cannon - faster tempo, shortened to 2 cycles, from 9. Unfortunately the game still plays this sound when the cannon has already finished shooting.
sound026 breathing in helmet - higher pitch, faster tempo, lower volume.
sound049 organic cannon - more 'organic' - I forgot that it has this green ball of organic matter, and is supposed to be more organic than mechanic.

After downloading, simply put the whole .zip file in your "mods" directory (...\Program Files\colobotgold\data\mods). Don't unpack it.
If you dislike some of the new sounds, remove them from the .zip file and they won't be changed ingame.

To uninstall simply remove the .zip from the "mods" folder.

Download the sound effect replacement pack (V2) here - 4.4 MB

@Edit: Thanks krzys_h for explaining that this ZIP in mods method works for any content. I should have guessed that it's not only for levels. So now you don't have to copy anything or merge folders, and installation is a lot easier!

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 914.55 KB / Downloads: 467)
.zip (Size: 544.78 KB / Downloads: 517)

For Colobot: Gold Edition check out my TrueLevels level pack, UI Texture replacement pack and Sound Effect replacement pack.
Trailer for TrueLevels and my youtube channel here. Cheers!

Messages In This Thread
Sound Effect replacement pack for Colobot: Gold Edition - by True Destroyer - 02-19-2016, 12:05 AM

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