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GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video
It's a good script, but:

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: Subtitle: NEW CBOT SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING
Someone is typing something in the CBOT editor with some long and complicated program, while camera is rotating in the background (some parts of the bases can be seen there).
It needs to show how actualy syntax highlighting looked before. Nobody will see that difference if we don't show the past.

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: Subtitle: DRAW SCHEMAS ON THE GROUND
Scribbler is drawing something. For example, an area for Titaniums or something like that.
Scribbler is hidden in the game. This can be "artistic easter-egg" in the video that can motivate people to find this bot, but on the other hand I propose PracticeBot instead.

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: Subtitle: IMPROVED GRAPHICS
We are no longer in Code Battle level. Let's say it's now Tropica or Vulkania or something else.
Some beautiful, short shots of scenery, ruins, aliens, bots etc. to show new shaders in work. Also add here some shots of the interface if the HD textures will be there.
Again, the shaders are hidden in the game. There's no UI setting for that. And they still look awful and they're slow (only for me...?). OpenGL 1.4 aka 1.5 still is our main and default engine. New textures also are partially done and "unstable" (a lot of vectors to fix, for 0.1.6 they will be looking good, of course, but still not final).

Eventually I propose to show something like that (as the video, in bigger resolution): (do you also see that shitty-flatty non-shaded ground polys in the background?)

Yeah, I would to wait to 0.1.7 or 0.1.8 for better and more outstanding comparisons. There's still a lot of lightening-shading and rendering issues to fix. For now we can show "just" dynamic (quality) shadows and new UI textures in OpenGL 1.4/1.5 on the highest settings.

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: and... music ends, black screen, animated logo (changing spacing between letters). Before the end of this simple animation other informations appears like other logos, version number and so on.
So, we're back to this idea:
or this idea (my fav):
or maybe this creepy idea:

Well, I can do this again (the second concept), but now with Cycles and proper, not-post-processed-&-crappy deph of field. Few seconds of 30fps, 1280x720 and minimum 18 samples should look good and render on @Simbax GPU in half of the day. But, well, I was forced to remove the sources of that previous concept animation for 0.1.5 and now I'll be doing the whole animation from scratch. So good I have at least finished and oficially commited 3D models of all the logos that we need. I also don't know how to achieve a lens-flare in Cycles in such good quality like in Blender's engine for now. So I'll probably save the day with that effect in post processing at the different rendering layer or somethin'...

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: Subtitle: OBJECTS' VELOCITY
WingedShooters are going to attack each other. They are flying to meet each other at the center above of the river, the camera shows the whole scene from the side. Before they meet, camera changes to the center and it shows one of the Shooters.
I'm probably only one, who don't understand what's object's velocirap... velosomethin... velocity. Did I missed something in the refactoring?

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: Short let's play footage from Colobot, may be imitated or real. Someone starts making a building and want to stop. The player speaks to microphone in a humorous way to show the problem.
Short gameplay footage from Colobot. Someone starts making a building and just before Me is going to use his gun, he changes his mind. Black screen again and the end.
We should invite PewDiePie or someone to do that scene Tongue . But, well, this scene should have also comparison with old Colobot or old version of GOLD. Some people don't understand this joke without small and noisy comparison with the old game.

(09-04-2015, 10:08 AM)Simbax Wrote: So we need: ...director...
Well, I don't know. I already have lot of stuff to do until the release (deadline 13.09.2015!!! Now that is quick & late...). As-always-not-finished-textures to clean and commit, alphatesting of the whole game, animation in Cycles to prepare, some other decisions to make...

Messages In This Thread
GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video - by Simbax - 09-04-2015, 10:08 AM
RE: GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video - by RaptorParkowsky - 09-04-2015, 01:36 PM

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