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GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video
Today I was working on ending logo screen animation. @Simbax rendered first preview of this and now I know what issues with timing are. Probably tomorrow we will be doing another test preview when I fix that issues.

Previews will be appearing here:

New, most possibly final version of that animation is now in playlist. It satisfy me enough to do the final render of it, if you will accept this.

1280x720, 60fps, 300 frames, 5 seconds
10 glossy reflection bounces should be enough, other light bounces are disabled, because this scene is enough simple and we don't need them.
To eliminate noise enough we need probably min. 26 squared samples (676 AA samples) in final settings of Cycles and Filter Glossy set on 10.

Well, even that easy short animation require so much power to render it as clean as possible...

Messages In This Thread
GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video - by Simbax - 09-04-2015, 10:08 AM
RE: GOLD alpha-0.1.6 promotional video - by RaptorParkowsky - 09-09-2015, 10:07 PM

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