03-05-2016, 01:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2017, 10:56 AM by DavivaD.
Edit Reason: Updated the list :D
Is a nice idea would be to introduce achievements to the game? In this way the game would not get bored so quickly 
Here I have prepared a list of achievements

Here I have prepared a list of achievements

- May be CBOT be with you - Write your first working program.
- Programmer - Write 10 working programs.
- CBOT Developer - Write 100 working programs.
- 2ez4me - Win in Code Battle
- Illegal Functions - Write your own working program with cheat functions.
- Social - Download and Install Modification from Forum(/Steam?) Workshop.
- Modder - Make and Share your own Modification Forum(/Steam?) Workshop.
- Most thrilling adventure - Run the first mission.
- We have Liftoff! - Fly away from Earth
- One small step - Find the remains of the Apollo mission.
- Unkown Planet - Land on Tropica. An unknown planet covered by unkown life forms.
- Non-Freezer - Land on Crystalium. An planet covered with (material?) crystals.
- Mars-Based - Land on Saari. An Mars-like Planet.
- Oceans of Lava - Land on Volcano. An Hot Planet.
- Need for Cell - Land on Centaury. An Planet which not have any energy fields.
- Too many Thunders - Land on Orpheon. An Dangerous Planet with having the electromagnetic discharges.
- TT - Land of Terranova. An Earth-like Planet which is our last hope for humanity.
- Programing Master - Complete All Missions using programing ONLY.
- Against the Rules - Complete All missions WITHOUT any program.
- You Win! - Complete All Missions.
- Signs of the Past - Find all remnants of the Previous Expedition.
- Reading the past - Run the first Retrospection Mission.
- Chronicles of the Past - Finish all Retrospection Missions.
- Practicer - Complete All Exercises.
- Challenger - Complete All Challenges.
- Time Attack - Download and Run any Race Level.
- Epsitec's Mascot - Download and Run any Blupi Level.
- First Kill - Kill first Insect.
- Killer - Kill 100 Insects.
- Slayer - Kill 250 Insects.
- Puryfirer - Kill 500 Insects.
- Battle-Scared - Kill 1000 Insects.
- Terminator - Kill 2500 Insects.
- Exterminator - Kill 5000 Insects
- Inhuman - Kill 10000 Insects.
- Executor - Kill 25000 Insects.
- Alien Reaper - Kill 50000 Insects.
- Smack! - Kill first AlienAnt.
- Trodden Ants - Kill 10 AlienAnts.
- Trodden Ant Workers - Kill 25 AlienAnts.
- Trodden Ant Queen - Kill 50 AlienAnts.
- Trodden Anthill - Kill 100 AlienAnts.
- Strings - Kill first AlienSpider.
- Ropes - Kill 10 AlienSpiders.
- Chains - Kill 25 AlienSpiders.
- Cowebs - Kill 50 AlienSpiders.
- Silks - Kill 100 AlienSpiders.
- Houseflies - Kill first AlienWasp.
- Slap! - Kill 10 AlienWasps.
- Whisk - Kill 25 AlienWasps.
- Grid for the flies - Kill 50 AlienWasps.
- Stun light - Kill 100 AlienWasps.
- Virus detected - Kill first AlienWorm.
- Virus Unistaller - Kill 10 AlienWorms.
- Virus Cleaner - Kill 25 AlienWorms.
- Firewall - Kill 50 AlienWorms.
- Antivirus - Kill 100 AlienWorms.
- Dethronement - Kill the AlienQueen.
- Building Master - Unlock all Buildings.
- Discoverer - Research all Plans in Research Center.
- Scientist - Analyse all Plans in Autolab.
- Robotics Master - Unlock All Robots in Bot Factory.
- The End - Unlock All Achievments.
- Cheater - Discover the secret page on SatCom.
- Lost Companion - Discover the Robbie EasterEgg.
- Junkie - Discover the Scrap Objects.
- The Lion King - Download and Run Alludo.
- Contributor - Write the commit that will be accepted by the developers and added to the game.
- Name from the Gods - Name as one of the TT developers.
- That's hurts... - 'Rage-Quit' the game.
- Houston, we have a problem - Crash the game.