06-24-2016, 04:41 PM
There is a folder in %ColobotGoldInstallDir%\data (or $ColobotGoldInstallDir/data for *nix users) called "mods". It is clear that this folder is for user-added content, but it is unclear:
- What kind of content can I put into this folder? Is it limited to userlevels, or can I put music, models, maps, readily-available code to add to the CBOT API, and/or documentation into it?
- How must I structure the content's folder for Colobot Gold to recognize the content?
- I searched the old Colobot website. The old link to "Creating Colobot user levels" is dead. It makes sense that Colobot Gold would mod differently than the old Colobot, but it would be similar. How can I make a userlevel?