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CoLoBoT 15th Anniversary Preparations
Why all the colors? They are distracting and thus make the post harder to read.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: unpolished 0.1.7 and 0.1.8 releases
Don't you even dare to say that. We were supposed to stop making releases perfect.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: Even if some of them [...] have no useable source, they could be added to the game.
That sounds like a bad idea because it's breaking the license terms we set ourselves...

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: Old textures will be in data repository for temporary backward compatibility with userlevels and they will be probably removed in another release to keep clean main data repository and packages.
I'd rather do that in code so that we don't need to distribute more assets than needed by the game itself. We can make those a downloadable mod for backwards compatibility if it's really needed.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: I have to only find a software that would let me find and replace in all scene files the parameters responsible for usage those textures in levels.
Any better editor like Notepad++ or common Linux command-line tools like sed.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: Few things can't be changed now though because of their hardcoded nature, so I hope that @krzys_h or other programmer will help me by fixing (even partially) #725 issue.
For now we can just change those in the code, it makes no sense to export them to external files as you would be still hardcoding the path to those files.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: Before commit all of these new textures I want also use the magic of tight PNG compression by using pngcrush tool that @tomangelo once found. It's really good for optimization binary graphic files.
This is not really needed, especially if we are still officially an alpha version. Nobody cares about the few MB that will save.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: My proposition is to add them temporary as switchable mod that is enabled by default and if user will experience any huge framedrops or somehow don't like few/all of them, then he/she could just disable them. There could be useful a special settings page or section which shows all installed mods in the list that allow disable/enable them without need of messing in mods user/global directories.
++, I think we could do that with all temporary/unfinished assets

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: Unfortunately I don't know much about current state of development the new model format. I'll let @piotrdz to tell about it in this thread.
New model format with support for multiple meshes in one file is implemented, the animation code doesn't use it in any way yet. Also there is no way to store animations in files iirc.

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: @krzys_h then would help me in programming way to implement those new sounds to the game if there will be agreement about that.
Sure, just tell me what exactly you need

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: @Emxx56
So you upgraded Emxx from version 52 to 56 without telling anyone? :>

(07-19-2016, 05:27 PM)RaptorParkowsky Wrote: and what 0.1.9 milestone currently is on GitHub
There are no more version milestones on GitHub, the version numbers were left just to make it clear which of the milestones from the "old" system they represent. See

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RE: CoLoBoT 15th Anniversary Preparations - by krzys_h - 07-20-2016, 06:06 PM

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