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CoLoBoT 15th Anniversary Preparations
I see I did quite a big buzzing bee here... Well, probably as always when I want to do something and didn't explain every. single. thing about my work.

Simbax Wrote:@Emxx52 said to me on priv that he's not responsible for those tags and he is quite furious at what is in this package.
I didn't expect that he will react for this so emotionally, so I'm really sorry for that. I just wanted to share updated package to him that he would approve and make his own changes, and to everyone to see the progress. I knew that he wanted to do some changes with titles and propose some ideas, but I also wanted to make as much as I could before his/yours suggestions.

Simbax Wrote:Spaces in filenames are not a good idea. They should be replaced with underscores _ (the same could be said about the other files, I prefer _ instead of -, but whatever). Dots and other punctuation signs look... weird, at best ("You lose....flac" for example).
I'm half ok with this argument, but in making this OST package I was looking mostly from end user's point of view. Those files aren't apps, scripts, sources etc. that really should be renamed into something basic and easier to type. They're rather multimedia files, so they're required to be more user friendly and clear in human way. Especially if today's software and file systems fully support most typing characters, even the 日本語 and русский ones and long filenames. Please, don't tell me that we really should go back to kinda-DOS filenames for backward compatibility. If these files are going to be shared all in the package, then I want them to be such as I proposed. If they are going to be shared separately (SoundCloud download files for example), then I have nothing against such filenames without spaces, numeration and other characters, just like other downloadable files around the Internet.

Simbax Wrote:Also, it's "Colobot" or "COLOBOT", not CoLoBoT (we agreed on official naming long time ago AFAIR)
All those variants depend of the case are correct, but for titles I would stick with original EPSITEC's pronounce "CoLoBoT" as it looks basically coherent with original, it's capitalized and it doesn't look like "just another word" in the middle of the title. The word "Colobot" isn't "just another word" and for titles it should be used like that. For the text walls - of course there should be "Colobot" in there, but not for the titles.

Simbax Wrote:A small technical detail: when you make a package, make it so the root folder is in it (so, when I say "Unpack here" it unpacks to "Colobot Soundtrack etc." folder, not making a mess in the folder I'm currently in). This part (and about filenames) is about end-user convenience.

Simbax Wrote:
  1. "Official Release thanks TO TerranovaTeam", although "Official Release etc." is redundant IMHO, better leave just the logos.
  2. Are you sure that we can legally use the EPSITEC logo like that? Just to be sure...
- Removed this unnecessary text.
- Yeah, I'm sure, as the GOLD already uses such logo in the splashscreens and nobody in EPSITEC didn't punish us for that. If there's any doubts about that, then you can just ask EPSITEC for the official statement.

Simbax Wrote:About the little txt file...
  1. Unless we find a Kabel font with proper license, we can't use it. Especially not on official cover. I know, I'm boring with this stuff, but it'd be quite a drama if one day there would be news all over the Internet "TerranovaTeam sued! You won't believe! Like us on Facebook to view more!" Tongue
  2. "Updated logo"...
Yes, I'm pretty aware of that. But I want to prepare this music album as close to EPSITEC/COLOBOT spirit as it can be. And... we already uses this font in processed form. TerranovaTeam/ICC logos, COLOBOT and COLOBOT: Gold Edition logos bases on Kabel and nobody complain about that. So I think as far as we only use it in processed form without font source files in repos (yet), there's nothing wrong with it. Or maybe we should remake all the logos to be based on Ubuntu now? I think we should ask KDE development team how they can use this font in their logo instead ruining and stopping all my work that isn't already officially released. So who with better English skills is going to do that? @Simbax ? @krzys_h ? @Emxx52 ? Come on, this is going to be probably only a little question on official KDE IRC channel.

So I updated the OST cover-art just to see how it should look for the release:

[Image: R2p3rO6.png]

Simbax Wrote:@Emxx52 's opinion on the matter is as follows (note that I'm providing it to you in heavily modified version (ok, I just translated and rephrased everything) in order to avoid potential suicides caused by the tone of it):
  1. There was no cooperation during creation of this package apparently, as @RaptorParkowsky decided to do everything by himself without consulting it with @Emxx52 like they agreed to on priv.
  2. Album artist is TerranovaTeam and EPSITEC, not two people (especially that one of those people didn't even took part in creation of the package apparently).
  3. Some points are similar to mine: Infinite Storm not Thunderstorm (it was apparently wrong long time ago, fixed, and then here we are again...), "Official Release etc." not needed, titles are generally "stupid".
  4. "Updated logos"... Let me stop here, quite the epithets were thrown at this point...
  5. Album name tag should be just "Colobot" (without "Official Soundtrack etc."), it's the standard convention for game soundtracks apparently, with an example of TF2 soundtrack.

  1. Yeah, I admit that there was no cooperation. We talked looong time ago about changes in the titles on priv and I didn't be able to remember everything, so I decided to make this package as full as it could be, share it and wait for the feedback, but instead on priv, I wanted it to be public for known reason. Do you remember the times when half of the project was made in priv? Yah, that's why I just wanted to avoid sad complications because of priv-development.
  2. Yep, EPSITEC and TerranovaTeam are indeed creators of it, but someone in the TerranovaTeam community actually was supposed to do the whole release stuff. @Emxx52 didn't anything in this package but he was supposed to do some changes and he is going to be maintainer of our official SoundCloud channel. That's why I mentioned him here. And releasing the OST album was mostly my initiative from 2013 if I remember correct, so that's why I'm here too.
  3. I don't know what's wrong with long, sometimes 2 parts titles. I just wanted them to be true coherent to the game and to the music content itself. And original. But more about it will be below.
  4. What's wrong with the logos again? Come on, 15th Anniversary is perfect time to change them. But there will be another thread about it when I'll be ready.
  5. I wouldn't compare this release to that lazy Valve's OST releases IMO. If this is "Colobot" then where's the original game itself? No, there's music content, so it should be named fully and correctly just like other OST game/movie releases.

And now about the @Emxx52 contribution to that OST release. I personally don't like how you reduced the meta tags to look so... well, I have to say that, but it looks like another lazy Valve's OST "album" release. I personally don't like such incompleteness in any digital distribution and I would feel disappointed downloading such content. Here's the comparison between yours and mine meta tag schemes:

[Image: 7Bvm8oo.png]
[Image: yizg2x3.png]

Why did you removed all the links, copyright and publisher notes from their intended places? This is just like removing all or almost all license informations from source file heading in repo. And this is making this release looking less legit and original than it supposed to be. Moreover you removed the link to EPSITEC - the original creators of it. And you removed the link to our GitHub - technically the second heart of our project. The year also is important. It represents the year of original game release and album release.

Ok, so finally I can tell something about the new titles that I want to propose. As @Simbax said, long, two parted titles may be considered as stupid, but there's still place for invention and making word experiments to make it look original and coherent to the game. I mixed @Emxx52 suggestions with mine, reduced two parted titles, blended with my personal imagination about the game itself and here's the result:

Spoiler: CoLoBoT - Original Soundtrack
01. Colonize with Bots
Because I didn't seen any OST tracklist without the title of the main medium in any form. And this music IMO fits to be some kind of original Colobot theme.

02. Mankind's Most Thrilling Adventure
Previously I wanted it to be "NASA Exercises" as it actually sound with it's hoppity-hoping like some kind of exercises, but now with previous @Emxx52 suggestion for similar title in the music called now "Colonize with Bots" I think it is just right and accurately quotes first mission's synopsis.

03. Fake Paradise
Previous long, two parted title was aiming to describe all the strange nature of Tropica planet and it's natives. This is the first unknown world we're landing on in the game. And now this is short and very fitting version of it.

04. Digitally Crystal Virus
Some word experiments here. Previous title was also two parted and too much refered to actual mission title. And @Emxx52 version of it was too laconic. So I mixed @Emxx52 version with my idea, especially if in the music you can clearly hear some crystal-like sounds instead infection themes only.

05. Saari's Heat
I still don't have any other idea for this title. I liked @Emxx52 "Horizon" but I think there was so many music with titles like that so there's nothing original with just "Horizon". That's why I go back to that title at this point.

06. Eruption
As you can clearly hear and see in the game, nothing to say more about that title.

07. Out of Hope
Personally I see this part of music to be upmost iconic to the Colobot itself in the whole OST. You can clearly hear #AloneInTheSpace themes in it. And the Centaury (this music is used on that planet) also makes you feel more alone, especially for it's long, gloomy missions. Because that's just another, unfriendly planet in the game. That's why there's in every title version something about hope. But again, @Emxx52 version was too laconic ("Hope"? What kind of "hope"?). And there's serious energy problems on this planet. That's why I combined popular "out of power" phrase with loss of hope. I hope you liked this another word experiment.

08. Infinite Storm
As you can clearly hear and see in the game, nothing to say more about that title too.

09. The Terranova
All the Terranova majesty that you can see, hear and name.

10. Well Done, Mission Accomplished
Again quotes from the game and really good suggestion from @Emxx52 . But I only wanted to capitalize it to look coherent with another titles in the album.

11. Sorry, Mission Failed
Same here.
Spoiler: And the bonus track
12. Buzzing Jazz
This is some kind of announcement the EPSITEC's official sequel and spin-off to Colobot - BuzzingCars. This melody didn't make appearance in the Colobot game, but in BuzzingCars you can clearly hear it when the musician bot plays the piano the exact part between 1:07-1:20.

I hope I explained everything as clear as possible. There's no place for another s***storm in this community few months before 15th Anniversary of the CoLoBoT.

And here's my updated package.

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RE: CoLoBoT 15th Anniversary Preparations - by RaptorParkowsky - 09-04-2016, 04:50 PM

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