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Mapmaking noob in need.
So, I've finished working on relief based on Seton's Clutch - one of my all-time favourite maps in Supreme Commander franchise - for my Code Battle map and the time has come, to add details like wrecks and foliage. So it was time to write scene.txt file.
As it's early version, I've decided that it'll be best, to determine positions in-game with bot, and then apply detailing in scene.txt on those coordinates.
So I've took Terranova Freegame scene file, I've deleted every object except the Me and I've added WingedGrabber.
Yet, game refuse to run it.

Title text="TEST"Resume text="TEST"Instructions name="freehelp.txt"
HelpFile name="cbot.txt"
EndingFile win=-1, lost=-1Audio filename="music009.ogg"

#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/planet.txt"
TerrainRelief image="reliefsetons.png", factor=1.0
TerrainResource image="ressetons.png"
TerrainWater image="water12.png", level=30.0, moveX=1.0, moveY=0.3
#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/terrain.txt"
CreateObject pos=37.50;-78.25, dir=1.5, type=Me
CreateObject pos =20;20, dir =0.5, type=WingedGrabber, magnifyDamage =0, power =100
CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0;0.0, color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0, color=-0.70;-0.70;-0.70, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0, color= 1.40; 1.40; 1.40, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.56; 0.56; 0.56, type=ObjectCreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=ObjectCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=Object
CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.16; 0.16; 0.16, type=ObjectWaterColor color=-0.6;-0.1;-0.1
MapColor floor=0.647;0.557;0.420, water=0.604;0.922;1.000
MapZoom factor=2
EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00, dist=25000.00, type=Me, lost=0
EndMissionTake pos=0.00\0.00, dist=1000, type=TNT, min=1
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00, lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00, delay=0

PS I am aware it's still freegame type, I want it that way for now, since I need to fly around and get XYZ positions to place stuff later, like ores, derricks, bots and scenery. I'll convert it to Code Battle later on, for now, I don't know what am I doing wrong.
Si vis pace, para bellum.

Title text="TEST"Resume text="TEST"Instructions name="freehelp.txt"
HelpFile name="cbot.txt"
EndingFile win=-1, lost=-1Audio filename="music009.ogg"

#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/planet.txt"
TerrainRelief image="reliefsetons.png", factor=1.0
TerrainResource image="ressetons.png"
TerrainWater image="water12.png", level=30.0, moveX=1.0, moveY=0.3
#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/terrain.txt"
CreateObject pos=37.50;-78.25, dir=1.5, type=Me
CreateObject pos =20;20, dir =0.5, type=WingedGrabber, magnifyDamage =0, power =100
CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0;0.0, color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0, color=-0.70;-0.70;-0.70, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0, color= 1.40; 1.40; 1.40, type=TerrainCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.56; 0.56; 0.56, type=ObjectCreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=ObjectCreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=Object
CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.16; 0.16; 0.16, type=ObjectWaterColor color=-0.6;-0.1;-0.1
MapColor floor=0.647;0.557;0.420, water=0.604;0.922;1.000
MapZoom factor=2
EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00, dist=25000.00, type=Me, lost=0
EndMissionTake pos=0.00\0.00, dist=1000, type=TNT, min=1
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00, lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00, delay=0
Title text="TEST"
Resume text="TEST"
Instructions name="freehelp.txt"
HelpFile name="cbot.txt"
EndingFile win=-1, lost=-1

Audio filename="music009.ogg"
#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/planet.txt"

TerrainRelief image="reliefsetons.png" factor=1.0
TerrainResource image="ressetons.png"
TerrainWater image="water12.png" level=30.0 moveX=1.0 moveY=0.3

#Include file="levels/missions/chapter009/terrain.txt"

CreateObject pos=37.50;-78.25 dir=1.5 type=Me
CreateObject pos =20;20 dir=0.5 type=WingedGrabber magnifyDamage=0 power=100

CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0;0.0, color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0, color=-0.70;-0.70;-0.70, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0, color= 1.40; 1.40; 1.40, type=Terrain
CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.56; 0.56; 0.56, type=Object
CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=Object
CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32, type=Object
CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0, color= 0.16; 0.16; 0.16, type=Object
WaterColor color=-0.6;-0.1;-0.1

MapColor floor=0.647;0.557;0.420, water=0.604;0.922;1.000
MapZoom factor=2

EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=25000.00 type=Me, lost=0
EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=1000 type=TNT, min=1
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00 lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00 delay=0
maybe help...
Sorry for my English
[Image: 76561198127157465.png]
1) You are missing newline characters on a lot of the lines you copied. You probably tried to open a file with Unix line endings with something that doesn't support them, like Windows builtin notepad. Either convert it or get a better editor first, we even have syntax highlighting for a few of them (the most up-to-date one is probably for, but I also remember ones for Sublime Text, vim and Notepad++ somewhere)
2) You are separating all parameters with commas. Just use spaces instead:
// Instead of
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00, lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00, delay=0
// write
Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00 lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00 delay=0
3) If you try to load the file in Colobot, it'll usually tell you exactly what was wrong and on which line (in case of syntax errors at least)
Thank you for replies, and I was using the Windows Notepad indeed. Didn't found any notice in documentation about necessity of using more advanced program (I might be good exaple on how to fool-proof Colobot in future Tongue ).
I'll get better program and apply your advices. I think that mapmaking commands could be a nice addition to the in-game SatCom BTW.

PS In-game syntax highlight shows only first error it encouners and is partially messed with random symbols. It's not clear indication what's wrong TBH.
Si vis pace, para bellum.

(12-30-2016, 04:56 PM)Quartofel Wrote: PS In-game syntax highlight shows only first error it encouners and is partially messed with random symbols. It's not clear indication what's wrong TBH.
Your text coding in scene file is ANSI?
If yes change coding to UTF-8
PS: Updated first answer xD
Sorry for my English
[Image: 76561198127157465.png]
@DavivaD Will try to do that, and thank you for aid. I'll probably come back with more issues later on. I want to contribute to this community, but I'm clearly lacking skills.
Si vis pace, para bellum.

Everybody who wants to climb up starts from the bottom, so keep trying and you might become map master.
Spoiler :
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: d2a55033bd85f86fdb077fc6f1fb54db0d4543d2...c8ad90.jpg]
Thank you guys, @krzys_h this Atom thing is amazing, it'll make things SO MUCH easier.

Sooo I'm not quite sure how dir parameter works. 0.5 value represents north or 270° in-game orientation but what are the min/max values and why angle from .sav won't work. Additionally, bots in teams are textureless for some reason, while non-teamed objects are fine.
The help.txt file won't load into SatCom too, despite everything looks just fine.
And I wonder if it's possible to apply magnifyDamage to the bot type. I'd like to buff Tracked bots with more resistance to damage, to encourage utilising them.
I'd use some information about EnableBuild and canResearch. I don't really know what's allowed since the beginning and what is not.
Anyone have some reliable way to mark titanium ore vein with pinpoint in-game XYZ accuracy on res file? If not, I'll improvise, but maybe there is simple way.

When I'll be done with dir the map will be almost in playable state.

PS Does anyone have some nasty ant script I could lend for this map? Does the shield command affects ants in any way, or they're always one-hit-to-kill?
Si vis pace, para bellum.

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: Anyone have some reliable way to mark titanium ore vein with pinpoint in-game XYZ accuracy on res file?
Use level editor Smile (I still using the good old CMS)

1. Load res map -
2. Create object on ore vein -
3. Generate Smile + Click 'Character-Set Fix' Button -
Sorry for my English
[Image: 76561198127157465.png]
(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: Sooo I'm not quite sure how dir parameter works. 0.5 value represents north or 270° in-game orientation but what are the min/max values and why angle from .sav won't work.
If you know what radians are, dir is basically an angle in radians but divided by pi, which basically means it's value is 0.0-2.0 for angles 0°-360°.
I actually don't remember what angle in save files is stored as. Value in degrees maybe? In that case divide it by 180 to get a valid value for dir.

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: Additionally, bots in teams are textureless for some reason, while non-teamed objects are fine.
It looks like I might have forgotten to actually check if team color is defined while implementing team colors Tongue It should be fine after you set the colors for teams (see the builtin code battle level).

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: The help.txt file won't load into SatCom too, despite everything looks just fine.
Show the whole level file. It's possible you messed something up with %lvl% and other % things.

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: And I wonder if it's possible to apply magnifyDamage to the bot type. I'd like to buff Tracked bots with more resistance to damage, to encourage utilising them.
I think this is unforfunalely not possible at the moment, you can only apply magnifyDamage to a bot created in the scene file or globally for the whole level.

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: I'd use some information about EnableBuild and canResearch. I don't really know what's allowed since the beginning and what is not.
EnableBuild defines what buildings can be built in the level. Most buildings can be built always when enabled, but some additionally require a research to be complete first.
EnableResearch defines what researches can be done in ResearchCenter or AutoLab. They are available to be researched but the player needs to research them for them to be active.
DoneResearch defines what researches are already done at the start of the level.
If you are able to read code, you may find this useful:

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: Anyone have some reliable way to mark titanium ore vein with pinpoint in-game XYZ accuracy on res file? If not, I'll improvise, but maybe there is simple way.
Newest version of Gold has an option to show an overlay of resources, hidden in debug menu under F11. Matching the res file with map coordinates was always quite a nuisance but this should help a little.

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: PS Does anyone have some nasty ant script I could lend for this map?
I don't think there are any good custom alien scripts available Sad

(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: Does the shield command affects ants in any way, or they're always one-hit-to-kill?
Aliens don't have a shield, they always die in one hit.
(12-31-2016, 05:34 PM)krzys_h Wrote:
(12-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Quartofel Wrote: PS Does anyone have some nasty ant script I could lend for this map?
I don't think there are any good custom alien scripts available Sad
Few cool alien scripts is in old forum - Smile
Sorry for my English
[Image: 76561198127157465.png]
Figured dir few moments ago but now I know I'm right Smile
I'll put all the files tomorrow evening, map should be ready to play then, but I'd like to change textures before calling it finished. Teams have their colours set, copypasta from vanilla Code Battle level.

EDIT: "Tomorrow" took a little bit longer than I wished. Studying rendered me unable to work on it lately, but I'll still try to make it work. Additionally, I have some more issues. Bots in teams won't load textures.
Si vis pace, para bellum.

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