Prev men create a lot of bots and go out. But their blackbox on their launchpad. Also there are DefenseTower, RepairCenter, BotFactory, Converter, Derrick and a lot of bots: WheeledGrabbers, WheeledShooters,WingedShooters. They protect home from ants and patrol part of map ok for Derrick every 5 minutes. These bots are enemies for your bots.
So you can't create your army because of patrol. And you can't modify firmware of enemy bots.
When you explore level you will find one enemy WheeledGrabbers. You can modify firmware of only this bot.
So you should create a ...Shooter with firmware passed by this WheeledGrabbers. Code like this
Or you can try to get TitaniumOre to create your army. Just kill every patrol.
Second part of idea.
Need add to CBot command to update yourself firmware from file. May be update all firmware, may be executed commands from file on this bot.
User can onlyread all firmwares of any enemy bot. User see that if bot will get code 123456789, 1.txt from ExchangePost bot will update firmware from 1.txt file. Or more interesting: if bot get
if (factorial(ExchangePostMessage) mod 4==5) then UpdateFirmware(1.txt);
This is crypt system. And you should decrypt it.
So you can't create your army because of patrol. And you can't modify firmware of enemy bots.
When you explore level you will find one enemy WheeledGrabbers. You can modify firmware of only this bot.
So you should create a ...Shooter with firmware passed by this WheeledGrabbers. Code like this
Or you can try to get TitaniumOre to create your army. Just kill every patrol.
Second part of idea.
Need add to CBot command to update yourself firmware from file. May be update all firmware, may be executed commands from file on this bot.
User can onlyread all firmwares of any enemy bot. User see that if bot will get code 123456789, 1.txt from ExchangePost bot will update firmware from 1.txt file. Or more interesting: if bot get
if (factorial(ExchangePostMessage) mod 4==5) then UpdateFirmware(1.txt);
This is crypt system. And you should decrypt it.