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So it looks like there's no objection for @RaptorParkowsky to start his part of the work on GOLD textures. @RaptorParkowsky - way to go!
avatar Anyway, nobody commented my recent new version of cover art for Colobot OST release. Should I receive this as "no"? -
Maybe when he see updated textures in upcoming release someday, he will decide to go back and make them even more #gold I hope. Anyway, his work looks pretty finished and I think it would be pushed after few my tricks.
Unfortunately it looks like @Adrian don't want to respond for my PW and e-mail and looks like he aren't going to finish his work, so I think this would be our backdoor.
Just remind yourself all done assets by @Simbax on and @Adrian on - I'm going to mix them as fully as possible to make hi-res textures of objects such as bots and buildings (maybe later with plants, aliens and other too) for our Anniversary release of GOLD.
Hard to tell "no" without any preview how it looks like. Like no one halted me before I made round platforms long time ago.
WARNING: There's the mixture of @Simbax halted vectors and @Adrian Photoshop rasters in hi-res object textures in pre-production. Is someone want to say "veto" before I start to making them in full-time production? They're going to be transitional assets anyway before I start working on completely new hi-poly models with textures and normal/bump-maps so I don't see any reason to say "no". So can I proceed with them?
I hate uneven loudness levels... I'm always like "you want me to be immersed or to keep one hand close to volume control? because with that ear-rape of yours I'm doing the latter". If it happens frequently, like in horrors that rely on jumpscares way too much, I'm usually giving up from irritation. Rather sooner than later. I just can't believe that so many people simply don't care about keeping loudness steady. I'm starting to think they're doing this on purpose.
That guy simply set up music on 75 in the main menu before boot any level. Probably he subjectively wanted the menu music to be on that level, but then after loading a map there's another track with different loundness.
It's 0.1.8. And I don't talk about sound implementation itself but about tracks. They're much louder than any other tracks in the game, including menu music.
I don't know which version he's using, but if it's 0.1.8, then detecting when music should start to play is still buggy.
Well, sound effects were on 14, when music on 75. It was problably just too loud and he make it quiet to don't blow someones ears.
avatar - Debugging GOLD music part #435 - I don't think that's proper reaction to @Emxx52 music. @Emxx52, you really should do something with mastering of your tracks.
Pair them randomly, with probability of choosing tetragons depending on their resemblance to squares. The better square shape, the higher the probability.
The question is, would you pair best tetragons (these which resemble squares the most) with other best tetragons, or best tetragons with worst (alive) tetragons?
Each generation, 500 tetragons that least resemble squares die, and remaining 500 get paired with each other and have offspring
You have 1000 completely random tetragon and you want to have them evolve into squares
Yo, here's an ethical question
Learning OpenGL and revising some algebra (I have no idea how I passed this course) needed for graphics programming.
My IT/Colobot live? Currently dead because of school.