oh, a donation nobody probably noticed
Shoutbox archive
And I noticed that Chrome sometimes complains something about certificate encryption and sometimes doesn't, I'll have to send an email to @zielmicha next time it happens
@RaptorParkowsky This is exactly what I said, somebody put http resources on https page
I don't have such problem on desktop Firefox 44 (maybe it's added to white list), but on mobile Dolphin and UC Browser I got problems
@RaptorParkowsky there might be a problem with a certificate, some browsers doesn't seem any problem, while other show warnings.
@Suawekx3 (aka @Suawekx2 and @Mental ) also told me that the password resetting system doesn't work.
There's another strange issue: - OMG, is hacked! Now everybody will die...! D:
I think I managed to get a compromise between rounded and edgy. I'll fix the main page link resizing the header on mobile later.
And where are the rounded corners. There was never a decision to remove them. For me rounded was better.
Something is wrong with the gallery on the main page. The main gallery is missing, the header image is misplaced and the sidebar gallery changes size forcing the "did you know" section to move up and down all the time.
I challenge all userlevel makers to do something creative with this amount of space:
If I only could pass to second semestr, so I could finally get fully back to Blender