And I think there should be at least three options: "New look better, change", "New look better, but there is no reason to change them right now" and "Old are better"
Why is it even on Trello? We already discussed that Trello is NOT a place for such a poll because not all TerranovaTeam members look there often enough. Make it on the forum.
@Simbax : "" Nope. My photoshoping is better than yours ;P (especially that green shadow...)
@krzys_h : Of course I'm completely aware that "Internet never forget". But nobody complains about that we can still dig up old CocaCola or Microsoft (aka MicroSoft) logos. They're still recognizable despite differences, just like our old vs new logos.
You know, the old design was kind of boring, so I think it's time for a complete redesign. I've worked all night on the TerranovaTeam logo and I'm pretty satisfied with the result, although I'm not sure if we can use the font for free. I may do the ICC version soon. Let me know what you think:
Sorry about the logos, but I just can't struggle those proportions and I thought that change would be good step forward, especially in time when we are not fully established community yet. Of course naming that "fixed" was a bad mistake, because the old ones wasn't bad designed logos or something, and I'm totally sorry for that bad chosen word in the name of the commit. The old ones was only non-perfect as it could be imo, so I decided to tweak them to be 100% compatible with official "COLOBOT" logo font and not to be so big change comparing to the old ones. I'll take the responsibility for replacing this logo in most of the places so don't worry about fragmentation. And I'm really sorry for not consulting this change with the others, but in these days I'm really determined for making any content because I have now not so much time for this and there's a lot of not finished graphic content on my HDD waiting for my free time. This isn't completely redesigned logo though. This is only an evolution of the old, good design. - I discovered that CoLoBoT and CeeBot games still can be found on Empik's product database (not avaiable though). Anyway, why they need hi-end Intel i5 on those consumer terminals? Searching in shop's database doesn't require so fast processors...
It's the problem that is most encountered on older low- or even mid-end smartphones, because they had only like less than 8 GB of space on the internal storage and nearly half of it was already occupied by the OS. It's just nice that they made the option to make SD card the internal storage, this option is generally not worth it on high-end devices since they have 32 GB or more of space available.
There was no option to install directly to SD card before. There was more than enough space to download an app, but the installation resulted in an error. I didn't solve the problem at all, I've just got a new phone and was keeping the internal storage as clean as possible and move every app I could to SD card, but most of them couldn't be moved, especially the built-in ones which I don't even think were crucial to be there. Mainly games could be moved, many normal apps could not.
And I think that it downloads the whole application to some cache directory before installing and then copies it to whatever location you choose so that's why you need enough space in internal storage to fit the application package even if installing to SD card
@Simbax As far as I'm aware, moving the app on Android moves just the main .apk file to the SD card (in an encrypted form). Any 'private' app-created files (password databases etc.) are stored on internal storage to prevent unauthorized access. Any 'public' data is by default stored on internal storage unless app asks to store it on SD card explicitly.