It will be nice when CGE has the auto-updater

[Idea] Auto-Updater
It will be nice when CGE has the auto-updater
04-28-2016, 07:00 AM
This was already mentioned on last ColoIRC and probably should brme discussed on the next meeting
04-29-2016, 06:52 PM
@krzys_h : Forum is also for discussions too, why not discuss such thing here, anytime. Especially when it's so hard to make a good "SoboIRC" meeting where's minimum 4 active TerranovaTeam/ICC people.
Back to thread: imo it's not really necessary at the current stage of development. There will be similar problems like with colobot.ini file after update, etc.
04-29-2016, 07:00 PM
@RaptorParkowsky - in this stage it would be especially usefull, because it would allow to quick distribution of new releases, especially with bugfix releases. Also it would solve problems with outdated repositories.
Question is - how it would be solved? Binary downloading everything and self-restarting on new release, or some fancy launcher? Spoiler :
04-29-2016, 07:26 PM
Fancy Launcher gives better control over version of game you want to use (namely experimental vs stable), because of version control repositories can phage off, and on top of that it doesn't even need to be fancy
"Deep within all of us lives an idiot, and if you let that idiot dictate your decisions your live is going to be rough."
~ Ryan Letourneau, 2k15
04-29-2016, 08:17 PM
@RaptorParkowsky The last ColoIRC was rather successful, there was quite a lot of people online.
The main reason I want a bigger discussion is that this would be the first feature to require network connection. Additionaly, I'm not sure how exactly Linux package repositories work, but I'm quite certain that the packages are not allowed to update themselves externally from the package manager. The best we could do is to notify the user that an update is available and he should update manually from the PPA. |
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