The 0.1.10 release has finally happened! This time we have a lot of CBOT bugfixes, cool new stuff for userlevel makers and some other minor changes. You can see the full changelog under the “Read More” link. Or just go to the download page and get it right now!

It’s worth noting that with each release more and more stuff is coming from the community in the form of Pull Requests. From now on, we’ll try to mention everybody who helped make the release happen in the changelog. Want to help too? Check how to contribute

* Add default values for parameters in function declarations (PR: #897) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix destructors not being called when program execution ended (#859)
* Fix goto() with multiple objects at the exact same position (#732)
* Fix build() allowing to build anything (#863)
* Fix game crash if function doesn’t return expected value (#30, PR: #897) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix crash on class redefinition (#703, PR: #890) [thanks @piotrwalkusz1!]
* Fix no compile error in incorrect increment and decrement syntax (PR: #891) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix no compile errors with incorrect constructor/destructor definitions (PR: #891) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix no compile errors with incorrect variable and field declarations (PR: #891) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix a lot of syntax error related crashes (PR: #897) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix point constructor not executing when being called with ‘new’ (PR: #897) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix some builtin functions not returning 0 in case of no error (#917)
* Add error when object is busy (#871)
* Fix delete() in CBOT not destroying PowerCells properly

Other changes
* Allow selectinsect to select other objects with selectable=0
* Add command history for cheat console (#316, PR: #869) [thanks @Smok94!]
* Add ctrl+backspace support in code editor (#797, PR: #839) [thanks @MatiRg!]
* Add damage alarm (#320, PR: #916) [thanks @DavivaD!]
* Make UraniumOre not destroyable (#777)
* Fix apperance camera position (#802, PR: #880) [thanks @piotrwalkusz1!]
* Add coordinates under cursor overlay and copy function (#868)
* Fix rendering glasses in FPP camera (#775, PR: #959) [thanks @MatiRg!]

For userlevels
* Add bulletWall parameter, makes objects block bullets
* Add scoreboard for complex code battles
* Add Barricade objects – barriers that block bullets
* Make TargetBots explode when they run into something
* Print expected relief resolution for given terrain parameters to log

Bugfixes and internal changes
* Fix mission ending before astronaut death scene is finished (#848)
* Fix GroundSpot blending (#846)
* Display warning if there is not enough energy to shoot with fire()
* Fix crash on loading saves with produce()d objects (#765)
* Don’t allow whitespace player names (#840)
* Fix buffer overrun when rendering goto() debug texture (#841)
* Fix sky rendering artifact
* Clean up “this == nullptr” checks in CBOT (#828)
* Fix memory leaks in CBOT engine (PR: #891) [thanks @melex750!]
* Fix all compiler warnings and enable -Werror (PR: #955) [thanks @AbigailBuccaneer!]
* Updated Russian and German translations (PRs: #852, #849, data/#27) [thanks @Fedorsturov, @Ceeee and @rvasin!]